Emulsifiers for production of Bitumen Emulsions :
In normal atmospheric conditions, Bitumen and water can't mix and will separate instantly. Emulsifiers are speciality chemicals used to stabilize the fine dispersion of bitumen droplets in water. Depending on their chemical properties, emulsifiers are of two major types: Cationic and Anionic.
Cationic emulsifiers provide a fine emulsion under strong acidic conditions, where normally concentrated hydrochloric acid is used for adjustment of final pH.
On the other hand Anionic emulsifiers provide a stable bitumen emulsion under strong alkaline condition, where normally Sodium Hydroxide is used for adjustment of final pH.
The emulsifiers can be ionic products which require neutralization/ Acidification/ Alkalisation at the time of emulsion production or can be a pre-neutralized and pH fixed (Ready), requiring no acid / alkali at the time of bitumen emulsion production.
Cationic emulsifiers are used to produce the large volume and most popular type of Bitumen Emulsions called "Cationic Bitumen Emulsions". These are the most commonly used Bitumen Emulsions in the world for road and highway applications.
The bitumen droplets in Cationic Bitumen Emulsions carry a positive charge, so special type of low dose emulsifiers are used for their production which are generally treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid in water phase for their "activation".
There are two broad range of Cationic Emulsifiers: Conventional (which require neutralization with HCl) and Ready (Ready to use product without modification) Emulsifiers.
These emulsifiers are further divided into Emulsifiers for Rapid / Medium Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions and Emulsifiers for Slow Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions. The details are given below:
Conventional Cationic Emulsifiers
Conventional Cationic emulsifiers are by far the widest used class of Bitumen Emulsifiers. They are very low dose, economical and high performance products for use in regular Bitumen Emulsion Plants. They are:
(1) Emulsifiers for Rapid / Medium Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions: PSEM-RMS-DM
(2) Emulsifiers for Slow Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions: PSEM-SS-ABT
Description :
“PSEM-RMS-DM” is low dose emulsifier for production of Rapid and Medium Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions. This product is liquid even at low temperatures so is convenient to use in both batch type and continuous type bitumen emulsion production plants. Emulsions made using recommended dose of this product show long storage stability and better tack in field.
Physical Properties :
“PSEM-RMS-DM” is brownish clear liquid at room temperature with characteristic ammoniacal acrid odor. This product is miscible with cold water, soluble in hot water and miscible with polar & hydrocarbon solvents. In recommended doses, it does not have any effect on physical properties of bitumen used for production of emulsions. This emulsifier provides a vide choice for production of different grades of bitumen emulsions including tack coat emulsion, surface dressing emulsion, penetration macadam, pot-hole patching, dust suppression emulsion etc. In more than recommended dose of this emulsifier is used for production of more stable emulsions, it does not have any bad effect on final properties of application. For activation of this emulsifier concentrated hydrochloric acid is recommended as economical and better choice. The final pH of water solution before making emulsion must be checked and adjusted to max 2. At this pH, “PSEM-RMS-DM” has highest micellization in soap solution favoring better stable emulsion. Any suitable Anti-stripping Agent (amine type) can be optionally mixed with bitumen before making emulsion for easy milling and lower particicle size distribution favoring better storage stability.
Tentative Formulation :
Cationic Bitumen Emulsion Grade:
Rapid Setting-1
Bitumen VG-10 (80/100)
60 - 62%
Solvent (Optional)
0 - 3%
Amine Peptizer (Optional)
0 - 0.2%
Emulsifier PSEM-RMS-DM
0.15 - 0.3%
Hydrochloric Acid (concentrated)
to pH 1 - 2
Calcium Chloride Powder
0 - 0.2%
Water (Potable)
to make 100%
Rapid Setting-2
Medium Setting
67 - 69%
65 - 67%
0 - 3%
2 - 4%
0 - 0.2%
0 - 0.2%
0.2 - 0.3%
0.3 - 0.5%
to pH 1 - 2
to pH 1 - 2
0 - 0.2%
0 - 0.2%
to make 100%
to make 100%
Chemical Properties :
Specific Gravity : 0.86 - 0.95
Amine Value: > 300
Active Nitrogen : > 8.00
Water Content : < 2.0%
Active content : 100%
Shelf Life : 2 Years from the date of production.
Colour : Brownish clear liquid.
Compatibility : Bitumen VG-10 & VG-30.
(Cationic Emulsifier for Rapid / Medium Setting Bitumen Emulsions)
Description :
“PSEM-SS-ABT” is amphoteric type emulsifier for production of Slow Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions. This product is liquid even at low temperatures so is convenient to use in both batch type and continuous type bitumen emulsion production plants. Emulsions made using recommended dose of this product give storage stable and fine performance products.
Physical Properties :
“PSEM-SS-ABT” is brownish yellow clear liquid at room temperature with characteristic pungent-acrid odor. This product is soluble in cold and hot water and miscible with polar solvents. Its water solution give neutral to slightly acidic pH. In recommended doses, it provides cationic bitumen emulsion passing cement mixing test for effective priming and premixing properties. Addition of a compatible peptizer greatly improve emulsion properties and cohesion buildup in slurry applications.
This emulsifier provides a vide choice for production of different grades of slow setting bitumen emulsions including prime coat emulsion, slurry surfacing, fog seal, soil stabilization, cold in place recycling and microsurfacing etc. For activation of this emulsifier concentrated hydrochloric acid is recommended as economical and better choice. The final pH of water solution before making emulsion must be checked and adjusted between 2 to 3. At this pH, “PSEM-SS-ABT” has highest micellization in soap solution favoring better stable emulsion. Any suitable peptizer can be optionally mixed with bitumen before making emulsion for easy milling and lower particle size distribution favoring better storage stability.
Tentative Formulation :
Cationic Bitumen Emulsion Grade:
CSS-1 / CSS-1h
60 - 62%
Bitumen VG-10 (80/100)
0 - 3%
Solvent (Optional)
0 - 0.2%
Peptizer (Optional)
0.6 - 2.0%
Emulsifier PSEM-SS-ABT
to pH 2 - 3
Hydrochloric Acid (concentrated)
Cationic Latex (SBR / NR)
to make 100%
Water (Potable)
Slurry Seal
60 - 62%
62 - 65%
0 - 0.2%
0 - 0.2%
1.2 - 2.5%
1.2 - 2.5%
to pH 2 - 3
to pH 2 - 3
3 - 10%
to make 100%
to make 100%
Chemical Properties :
Specific Gravity : 0.86 - 0.95
Amine Value: N.M.
Active Nitrogen : N.M.
pH Water (1:100) : 6 - 7
Active content : 60%
Shelf Life : 2 Years from the date of production.
Colour : Brownish clear liquid.
Compatibility : Bitumen VG-10 & VG-30.
(Cationic Emulsifier for Slow Setting Bitumen Emulsions)
Ready Emulsifiers for Cationic Bitumen Emulsion
Ready emulsifiers for cationic bitumen emulsions are special grade of pre-acidified and activated emulsifiers specially for no-frill on-site production of different grade of these emulsions without a big bitumen emulsion plant setup and to maintain the quality of bitumen emulsion up to own standards.
These emulsifiers are added into hot water and then this soap water is passed through a compact colloid mill with hot bitumen to get cationic bitumen emulsion instantly. The benefits of Ready Emulsifiers are:
Maintaining the quality and avoiding material theft / water mixing during transportation.
Fresh material made at site in required quantity hence avoiding construction delays.
Material made with a very small bitumen emulsion site plant and compact colloid mill.
Exceptional saving in bitumen emulsion cost.
Saving of transportation cost involved.
Any time availability of fresh bitumen emulsion even for late hours or night working.
Our cationic ready emulsifiers are:
(1) Emulsifiers for Rapid / Medium Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions: PSEM-RMS-DMR
(2) Emulsifiers for Slow Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions: PSEM-SS-ABTR
(Ready Emulsifier for Cationic Rapid / Medium Setting Bitumen Emulsions)
Description :
“PSEM-RMS-DMR” is pre-acidified emulsifier with added performance additives for on-site production of Rapid and Medium Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions. This product is liquid even at low temperatures so is very convenient to use compact batch type on-site bitumen emulsion plants. Emulsions made using recommended dose of this product pass standard tests and show very nice performance in field.
Physical Properties :
“PSEM-RMS-DMR” is dark color liquid at room temperature with acrid acidic odor. This product is miscible with cold water and highly soluble in hot water. In recommended doses, it does not have any effect on physical properties of bitumen used for production of emulsions. This emulsifier can be well used with VG-10 grade of bitumen and provides a vide choice for production of different grades of bitumen emulsions including tack coat emulsion, surface dressing emulsion, penetration macadam, pot-hole patching, dust suppression emulsion etc. Since this product has been pre-acidified, there is no need of handling and using additional acid which makes it safer for the production.
Tentative Formulation :
Cationic Bitumen Emulsion Grade:
Rapid Setting-1
Bitumen VG-10 (80/100)
60 - 62%
Solvent (Optional)
0 - 3%
Emulsifier PSEM-RMS-DMR
1.0 - 1.5%
Water (Potable)
to make 100%
Rapid Setting-2
Medium Setting
67 - 69%
65 - 67%
0 - 3%
2 - 4%
1.0 - 1.5%
1.2 - 2.0%
to make 100%
to make 100%
Specific Gravity : ~ 1.15
Flash Point: > 130 Degree C
Active Nitrogen : ND
Water Content : < 10%
Active content : 60%
Shelf Life : 3 months from the date of production.
Colour : Dark Turbid liquid.
Compatibility : Bitumen VG-10 & VG-30.
Chemical Properties :
(Ready Emulsifier for Cationic Slow Setting Bitumen Emulsions)
Description :
“PSEM-SS-ABTR” is pre-acidified emulsifier with added performance additives for on-site production of Slow Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions. This product is liquid even at low temperatures so is very convenient to use in compact batch type on-site bitumen emulsion plants. Emulsions made using recommended dose of this product pass standard tests and perform very well in field of application.
Physical Properties :
“PSEM-SS-ABTR” is dark color liquid at room temperature with acrid acidic odor. This product is miscible with cold water and highly soluble in hot water. In recommended doses, it does not have any effect on physical properties of bitumen used for production of emulsions. This emulsifier can be well used with VG-10 grade of bitumen and provides a vide choice for production of different grades of bitumen emulsions including prime coat emulsion, cold-mix emulsion, emulsion for soil stabilization, emulsion based repair grouts etc. Since this product has been pre-acidified, there is no need of handling and using additional acid which makes it safer for the production.
Tentative Formulation :
Cationic Bitumen Emulsion Grade:
Bitumen VG-10 (80/100)
60 - 62%
Emulsifier PSEM-SS-ABTR
2.0 - 2.5%
Water (Potable)
to make 100%
SS-1 (IS)
SS-2 (IS)
50 - 52%
60 - 62%
30 - 35%
0 - 2%
1.5 - 2.0%
2.0 - 2.5%
to make 100%
to make 100%
Specific Gravity : ~ 1.10
Flash Point: > 130 Degree C
Active Nitrogen : ND
Water Content : < 10%
Active content : 50%
Shelf Life : 3 months from the date of production.
Colour : Dark Turbid liquid.
Compatibility : Bitumen VG-10 & VG-30.
Chemical Properties :
Anionic emulsifiers are used to produce special grade Bitumen Emulsions having high pH hence they are called "Anionic Bitumen Emulsions". These are mostly used for structural applications mostly in soil stabilization and building / masonry waterproofing.
The bitumen droplets in Anionic Bitumen Emulsions carry negative charge, so they are entirely different in properties and performance than cationic emulsions. The special emulsifiers used for their production are mostly chemically modified natural products and special class of organo-silicon which are treated with sodium or potassium hydroxide in water phase for their "activation".
(Anionic Emulsifier for Rapid / Medium Setting Bitumen Emulsions)
Description :
“PSEM-FFA” is chemically modified resinous natural polymer for production of Anionic Bitumen Emulsions of Rapid / Medium Setting grades. This product is thick viscous liquid which "melts" upon heating, so is better used in process in slightly warm stage. Emulsions made using recommended dose of this product pass standard tests and perform well in structural applications.
Physical Properties :
“PSEM-FFA” is thick dark brown color viscous liquid at room temperature with acrid resinous odor. This product is non miscible with hot or cold water and needs sodium / potassium hydroxide based pH increase to dissolve in hot water. In recommended doses, it does not have any effect on physical properties of bitumen used for production of emulsions. This emulsifier can be well used with VG-10 grade of bitumen and provides a vide choice for production of different grades of bitumen emulsions for structural applications.
Use of a compatible poly-amine type anti-stripping agent in bitumen prior to making anionic bitumen emulsion, greatly improves emulsion properties and storage stability.
Tentative Formulation :
Anionic Bitumen Emulsion Grade:
Rapid Setting
Bitumen VG-10 (80/100)
60 - 62%
Latex Polymer (Anionic)
Emulsifier PSEM-FFA
2.0 - 2.5%
Water (Potable)
to make 100%
Medium Setting
Latex Modified
60 - 62%
3 - 5%
2.5 - 3.0%
2.0 - 3.0%
to make 100%
to make 100%
Specific Gravity : ~ 0.95
Flash Point : > 200 Degree C
Acid Value : > 300
Water Content : < 2%
Active content : 100%
Shelf Life : 2 years months from the date of production.
Colour : Dark Brownish turbid liquid.
Compatibility : Bitumen VG-10 & VG-30.